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Samadhi is a state in which we encounter unbounded awareness and pure bliss.

Samadhi Wellness services are custom designed by Dr. Patricia Iris to help you achieve your individual wellness goals. Dr. Iris integrates Eastern healing tools and techniques with Western medicine approaches. Programs include integrated medical consultation, Ayurvedic lifestyle consultation, energy medicine with chakra balancing, emotional healing programs, trauma healing programs for women, and individual and group instruction for yoga and meditation. The following are sample wellness packages. Please email Dr. Iris at or call her at 520.349.2601 to discuss your individual or group wellness goals.

Shamanic Energy Healing

From a shamanic perspective, illness first appears in the subtle body, Shamanic healing sessions address spiritual and energetic imbalances using a variety of techniques and energy work.


Gene Keys

A synthesis of wisdom from the I-Ching, Human Design, Astrology,  and DNA Codon-rings that assists in guiding you on a journey of self-illumination. A unique sequence is identified based on your birthplace, date, and time. Your individualized sequence allows you to discover and embrace your shadows through contemplation, promoting the release of your gifts, and ultimately supporting the embodiment of your genius.


Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation

Medical history, mind-body assessment, therapeutic recommendations, and lifestyle guidance.


Using sacred oils to anoint gateways in the body for health, spiritual uplift, and awakening consciousness. Ten different blends of oils are placed in corresponding energy centers in the body. The scents evoke emotional and spiritual awareness while supporting vibrant health and a deep sense of well-being.




Physical Vitality        Emotional Equilibrium

Mental Clarity        Spiritual Growth



Nurture your health, restore balance, and create greater joy and fulfillment in your life.



Heal and transform your

body and mind through individual Samadhi Wellness programs.



Find out how Dr. Patricia IRIS

can help your organization create

Rapid Cycle Culture Change (RC3).


(Arizona - Mountain Standard Time)

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